Year: 2023


Hi Bloggers,

We have been learing to write a story using adverbs and descriptve adjectives.

Here is my writing:

It had been an ordinary day until the rain came…  Pitter, patter, pitter, patter went the sharp raindrops as they hit the tin roof of the little cottage. Staring out of the window, Jimmy watched as the raindrops hit the ground then disappeared into the land. “ Come on Jimmy, grab your umbrella, we’re going out in the rain” instructed  Jimmy’s mum. Outside Jimmy splashed in muddy puddles laughing and having the time of his life. But all of a sudden a gush of water came rushing down the hill but they did not see it, it swept Jimmy of his feet, somehow an umbrella got swept under him and atcked like a boat and swept him away his mother was screaming but it was no use Jimmy was gone but for Jimmy he was of on an adventure…

Do you know what an adverbs is?

Blog you later



Hi Bloggers,

We have been learing to put verbs, nouns, adverbs and adjectives to make your writing more interesting.

Swish, splash, splosh rocked the little rust boat the captain picked up his once gold telescope. Looking through the telescop  he could see a great big boat rocking violently back and fowlwed through  chopy waves. He picked up his diary and this is what he wrote: Smash, band went the great big boat with vividly red sails

Have you ever put verbs, nouns, adverb and adjective in your writing?

Blog you later
